Praying with Peace Church

The best way to stay up to date about how you can pray for people at Peace is by receiving the Peace PrayerLine, which are emails for specific prayer needs in the Peace family. These emails go out every few days or more if needed.

We also encourage every Peace member and regular attender to join a Community Group. The reality is, that it's not possible to know what's going on in the lives of everyone at Peace, but small groups allow you to pray with and for a smaller community within the church.

Receiving Prayer from Peace

To request prayer from the Peace family or church leadership, begin by considering who you want to know about your request...

Peace PrayerLine Requests

For prayer requests to be shared with the entire church body, Peace uses the Peace PrayerLine to communicate quickly and directly throughout the week. If you have a prayer request to send during office hours, 9am-5pm Tuesday through Friday, call the secretary at 919-467-5977 or click here. For all other times, please click here

Confidential Peace Prayer Requests

For prayers that require some discretion by the recipients, Peace provides the opportunity to submit requests via our Peace prayer cards (in the sanctuary pew racks) on Sunday mornings or throughout the week using this form. These requests are not distributed to the congregation at large but delivered by email to church staff, deacons, elders, and Comfort & Care leaders (as appropriate).  


Shepherding Elder Requests

In addition to these three written methods of communication, we encourage you to call your assigned elders in times of difficulty, day or night, for prayer. If you aren't sure who your elder is, you can contact the secretary or call the church office at 919-467-5977 for your Shepherding Elder's name and contact information. 

Please click to fill out to submit your prayer request(s)!