The best way to get to know Peace Church is to join us on Sunday morning.
We strive to make Peace a place where you can explore the claims of Christianity at your own pace, free from pressure but surrounded by friendly support.
Worship Services
Sunday morning services are the primary gatherings in the life of our church. We worship God through music, prayer, confession, giving, sacraments, and learning from his Word. You can attend a variety of ways whether in person or online. We have two Worship Services, 8:30 & 11:00 am. The 11:00 am service is Livestreamed and is available for viewing at any time on our YouTube Channel, PeacePCA.
We celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Find out more here.
Nursery & Children's Church
We offer Nursery (2 years & younger) and Children's Church (PK2-Kindergarten) at both services. Nursery is also available during the Sunday School hour (9:45-10:45 am).
Sunday School
We have Sunday School classes for children, youth, and adults. Our classes are about building a richer knowledge of God’s Word and equipping his people to live as faithful disciples through the challenges of daily life.
Evening Activities
Sunday nights at Peace serve as an opportunity to continue the worship, study, and have community with each other of all ages. Please look below to find the location of the activities.
- Nursery ages 0-2
Infant Nursery Room - 6:00-7:00 - Preschool ages 2-3 (Joymakers)
C107- First floor Ed Building - 6:00-7:00 - PK4– Grade 1 (Friendmakers)
C104- First floor Ed Building - 6:00-7:00 - Grades 2-5 (Peacemakers)
Sanctuary - 6:00-7:00 - Middle & High School
Courtyard - 5:30-7:30 (dinner is provided) - Adult Community Groups
Rooms around campus - 6:00-7:00 (Some are other days/times.)
If interested in being a part of a community group, click here.
If you have questions about how to get plugged in at Peace on Sundays or during the week click here.