Sign-up to provide a meal for Fall Youth Groups

Peace Youth is all about pointing middle school and high school students toward relationship and adventure with Jesus. While our culture often doesn't take young people very seriously, we recognize that students are exploring truth claims, asking questions, and making decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Our goal is to be a positive support and an encouraging resource to youth and their families during these important years of spiritual formation.

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Youth Group Summer Sundays

We are meeting for Youth Sunday School from 9:45-10:45 am. The middle school students meet in rooms C200/C202 and the high school students meet in C204/206. 

During the Summer youth group meetings will be June 9, June 23, July 14, and July 28. We will continue to meet from 5:30 to 7:30 in the education building these days for dinner, free time, and a lesson!  

There will be no youth programming except Sunday school during the month of August.

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Other Regular Meetings

The middle school boys discipleship group will meet June 5, July 3, July 17, and July 31 during the summer.


Follow the Peace Youth on Instagram.


Click here to fill out a form to request more information or ask a question.

Feel free to contact Jono Darville, the Youth Director, directly with any questions or to be added to the weekly youth email.