Titus 2

Titus 2 Women serve women as they complement the elders as they fulfill their responsibilities of providing pastoral care to Peace’s women and families. A Titus 2 Woman uses her gifts of wisdom and discipleship in those situations living out the call of Titus 2:3-5. This help is intended to be on a short-term basis with the goal of transitioning the woman into the ongoing ministries of Peace that provide sustaining care and support. If you need assistance, you may contact Ann Hornack.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a ministry whereby women come alongside women (and men with men) who are experiencing a difficult time. The main purpose of a Stephen Minister (or Caregiver) is to point their Care Receiver to God, The CareGiver - Stephen Ministers do not counsel, but instead, listen, support, encourage, and pray for their Care Receivers as they meet weekly for an indefinite period of time. The relationship is strictly confidential. Stephen Ministers go through 50 hours of initial training. If you need a Stephen Minister, contact Jan Coates.

The Women’s Prayer & Care Team 

The Women’s Prayer & Care Team provides a foundation of prayer and connection to all women of Peace. Each month, the members of the team contact specific Peace women with the goal of encouraging and praying for them. The team also joins together monthly to pray for the women contacted that month. Throughout the course of a year, all women of Peace will be contacted and prayed for. Contact Emily Batten to request prayer or more information.