Prayer Vigil in February
Please be a part of Peace Church’s Prayer Vigil from Friday, February 21, 5pm thru Saturday, February 22, 5pm. The prayer vigil is divided into one-hour slots; please sign up to pray. Also, we want to pray for you and your family, so please submit your prayer requests.
3Ms IHOP Brunch
The (3Ms) More Mature Members, 60+, are invited to a delightful brunch at IHOP in Cary (1301 Kildaire Farm Road) on Thursday, February 20, at 11am.
Come and enjoy fellowship, food, and fun with great company! We look forward to seeing you there. Sign-up and let us know you are coming.
Brotherhood & Brews
Men, please join us and sign up for a refreshing pint and engaging conversation at 6pm at Fortnight @ 1006 SW Maynard Rd. #A in Cary for an evening with your Peace brothers on Thursday, February 27th.
Free Books for Parents of Peace Kids
If you have not already received your copy of Habits of the Household, please stop by the first-floor hallway in the Education Building to pick up your book.
Pardoned by Christ Celebration Breakfast—March 8
PBC is a Peace-supported local ministry that comes alongside Christian men coming out of prison, helping in many ways to restore lives affected by incarceration. Please join them in celebrating God’s goodness this past year at the Celebration Breakfast on March 8th at Apex Baptist Church, 110 S. Salem Street. Kurtis Taylor, Executive
Director of the Bob Barker Foundation, is the featured speaker. Breakfast is 8:30-9:30, program is 9:30 -10:30. Tickets $10. Come learn about this thriving ministry!
Women’s Night of Praise, Prayer & Fellowship
Join us for a special evening of Worship, Praise, and Prayer on Friday, March 28, from 7–9 pm in the Sanctuary. Afterward, we’ll continue the fellowship with an Ice Cream Social in the Fellowship Hall—a sweet way to end the night together! Please register so we can plan accordingly.
Chaperones Needed for Youth Summer Camp
We are in need of at least one female chaperone for our youth summer camp July 7-12! We will be staying at Ridge Haven in Brevard, NC. We are looking for someone who is a Peace-approved volunteer or is willing to become approved. All expenses for chaperones are paid for by the church. Please contact Caroline, if you are interested.
New Adult Sunday School Classes: Starting March 2
How to Study the Bible: Understanding Scripture and Excavating Grace
One of the most important skills we must learn as followers of Jesus is to read, interpret, and apply the Scriptures. Join us for this 11-week class as we learn to study God’s Word using the acronym CAPTOR, which stands for Context, Analysis, Problems, Themes, Obligations, and Reflection. Pastor Chris will lead this deep but non-technical introduction to Bible interpretation (Fellowship Hall).
The Gospel of Luke
When doubt creeps in, have you ever turned to Luke to strengthen your faith? Luke wrote his gospel so that “you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught.” (1:3-4) In this class, we will seek to strengthen our faith by exploring the good news of Jesus Christ revealed in Luke’s gospel. This class will be led by Grant Buckner (Music Room—C101).
The Bible Class, Romans
Romans is the Apostle Paul’s most comprehensive explanation of the Gospel. One early Church Father had this book read to him once a week. Paul saw the Gospel as the “power of God for salvation” to any who would believe. Paul explains this Gospel as he develops the theme of “the righteousness of God.” Be a part of this verse-by-verse study. Led by Bill Stern (Room C207).
Peace 101
Peace 101 is for anyone interested in learning more about the beliefs, mission, and vision of Peace Church. Why do we believe in the Bible and take it so seriously? Is it trustworthy or authoritative? How is the church governed? What does the church believe about worship, family ministry, and Christian growth? These and other questions will be considered, and leaders from various ministries will share what Peace is doing to serve Christ in Cary and the Triangle. Also, learn how to get involved and join our church community. Peace 101 is offered two times a year. Led by the pastors and leadership (Library).
Spring Youth Meals
Please help support our youth group by providing meals each week to help promote deeper relationships! Would you or your community group consider serving by committing to providing a meal one Sunday evening this semester? Sign up to love our youth. We sincerely appreciate your generosity and effort! For any questions, contact Caroline.
Helping after Helene
Discover some practical ways you can help with disaster relief efforts here.
Medical Equipment "Lending Library"
Did you know that Comfort & Care oversees a shed unit complete of medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, shower chairs, icing machines, walkers, etc…? These items are available to anyone in our congregation and community who needs them. Please do not hesitate to contact Lou Paules or the Secretary if you need anything. The shed is on our facility, so picking up an item(s) while you are already here is easy. Please take advantage of this excellent resource!
Church Center
Peace Church now uses the Church Center app for all our church needs, including the directory. Please download it in your app store. If you have questions or issues, please get in touch with Andrea.
Adult Sunday School Classes (9:45-10:45am)
Mark: The Good News of the Servant-King Jesus - Meets in the Fellowship Hall
The Bible Class, Romans - Meets in the Adult Conference Room, C207
Find out more about the classes here.
New Sermon Series - Grace in Action: A Study of the Ten Commandments
Matthew 5:17-20, "What Jesus Doesn't Do"
View or listen to this week's sermon.
Digital note-taking through YouVersion Bible App (
Take time to prepare for the service.
We want to Pray for YOU!
Please let us know how we can pray for you. There are many different ways to send us your prayer requests.
- Weekends or Monday, please contact please send your request here.
- Tuesday-Friday(regular business hours), please send us an email or call us at 919-467-5977.
- Fill out a Prayer Card at one of our services.
- Fill out the prayer form.