While these classes are designed for adults, students are also welcome to participate.

If you missed a class, find some of the class on our Discipleship Podcast or on our website here.

The new quarter of Sunday School classes begins on Sunday, December 8th.

Mark: The Good News of the Servant-King Jesus (Fellowship Hall)Mark-Servant King 1080 x700

This nine-week series will survey Mark's gospel, which uses action-packed highlights of Jesus' mission and earthly life to demonstrate and call us to gospel-infused living and suffering and the inauguration of a new kingdom. One of the goals is to enhance your tools for digging into the scriptures. Led by Joe Frazier in the Fellowship Hall.

The Bible Class: Romans (Adult Conference Room, C207)The Bible Class 1080x700

Romans is the Apostle Paul’s most comprehensive explanation of the Gospel. One early Church Father had this book read to him once a week. Paul saw the Gospel as the “power of God for salvation” to any who would believe. Paul explains this Gospel as he develops the theme of “the righteousness of God.” Be a part of this verse-by-verse study. Led by Bill Stern (Room C207).

Check our campus map to find the correct room for the class.